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19:30 min.
Francisco Alcala
Alejandra Alcala
Patti Bartelstein
Justin Maxon
Athan Merrick
Chema Mumford
Bad Owl Music
Doug Hewitt
Julie Richter
Angèlica Ekeke
Suzanne Alberga
Made possible by

Doug Tsui
Vanessa Lam
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“I’m feeling so inspired and motivated. Many documentaries about refugees come my way, and 99% of the time they leave me feeling depressed and heavy. But thanks to No Single Origin, I'm filled with hope.”
— Kathryn Mahoney, Global Spokesperson, UNHCR
This short documentary follows Tennessee native, Doug Hewitt, as he learns about the complexity of refugee resettlement. In order to offer refugees and asylum seekers much-needed support as they build a new home in the U.S., Doug turns to the coffee industry to build a launchpad towards a path of self-sufficiency, and starts nonprofit 1951 Coffee Company, providing barista training and employment for refugees in Berkeley, California. Three graduates from 1951 Coffee’s Barista Training Program share their experiences, revealing their struggles after resettlement. A profound friendship unfolds when the four stories converge, highlighting the importance of human connection and community driven support, education, and integration.
In support of
1951 Coffee Company
Film's impact goal
To reveal the challenges of refugee resettlement in the U.S. and shine a light on how community driven education and integration can significantly increase the resettlement success. No Single Origin's impact campaign targets $120,000 incremental funding for 1951 Coffee Company to pay for 80 Refugee Barista Graduates with an 82% successful job rate.
Want to host your own screening?
A film screening is a powerful tool for activating communities. No Single Origin is a great way to initiate conversations about what welcoming refugees looks like. By hosting a screening, you become an ambassador for HOME Storytellers and the work of 1951 Coffee Company in the refugee community. We’ll provide the film, digital marketing tools, and discussion guides to make your screening a success!

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The Issue
While resettlement in the United States, or obtaining the asylee status sounds like a dream come true, refugees experience major challenges as they transition to their new lives. The issues are many, from the lack of English language proficiency, relevant job skills, and cultural understanding, to the difficulty in receiving recognition for their credentials, as well as discrimination, among others.
Even though there are U.S. refugee resettlement programs, they generally have limited resources, tight budgets, and their assistance programs have quick timelines that often fall short of a newcomer’s needs. There is a strong case that
expanded education, language learning, and employment programs are needed to ensure a refugee’s access to long-term self-reliance.
About the Solution
1951 Coffee Company
1951 Coffee Company is a nonprofit that runs 3 welcoming coffee shops in the Bay Area, and offers barista training and employment to refugees, providing them with opportunities for dignified jobs, good wages and benefits, and sets them on a path of self-determination, and welcome entries into their new communities. Furthermore, it provides the surrounding communities with a simple way to turn a daily routine — buying a cup of coffee — into a life-altering opportunity for someone in their world. Its name derives from the year that the UNHCR, at the 1951 Refugee Convention, first established guidelines for the protection of refugees. These protections were further expanded in the 1967 Protocols, giving the UNHCR a global mandate.
Time Frame
Take Action
Help give a warmer welcome to refugees starting a new life in the U.S.
Gather your family, friends or colleagues, watch the film together and fundraise for 1951 Coffee Company.
ROI Ratio
$1 to $4
Social Media Buzz

Share about the film on social media and remember to tag: #NoSingleOrigin @homestorytellers,
Donate Today

A donation to any one of the organizations involved will contribute to refugee empowerment and self-reliance.

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